Friday, December 5, 2014

Vernonia School District vs. Acton Case


This case addressed drug testing of athletes in schools. During this time, drug use was affecting schools all over. The officials had decided that athletes were the central of the problem. Therfore, the schools made the athletes take a urine test for drugs. The policy stated that student-athlete to sign a form consenting to drug testing before the start of the season. If a student failed the test the first time, he/she would take it again to confirm the result. If the second test was positive, the athlete's parents were notified, and they had to meet with the principal. The student had the option of entering a drug program for six weeks and giving a weekly urine sample, or being suspended for the remainder of the current season and next season. One student, Acton, refused to participate in a drug test that was given to student athletes. His parents filed a lawsuit against the school. A federal district court upheld the policy, but the appellate court reversed that decision on the basis that the policy violated both the Fourth and Fourteenth amendments. The case was argued before the U.S. Supreme Court on March 28, 1995. The court noted that the Fourth Amendment, which forbids unreasonable searches and seizures, was extended by to cover searches and seizures by state officers, including those at public schools. The Supreme court found that the school policy met the Fourth Amendment’s reasonableness requirement and was constitutional. The appellate court’s decision was overturned.

This decision has a huge impact of schools and students. This allows for drug testing at random times, or searches. However, in my opinion for this case, the test shouldn't have been subjected to just one group of students. It wasn't fair to pull out just athletes when they weren't the only ones using drugs. I agree with the decision, but I also think the policy still wasn't fair.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


1- His job will become harder with the republicans in control of the senate.

2- He has plans to combat the effects of the economic recession during his sixth State of the State address in Charleston on Wednesday night.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


1- I think it is admirable that West Virginia has become the first to bring a young lawmaker into the system. Usually our state tends to follow, rather than being the first to make a bold move.

2- I feel that her age will both help and hinder her effectiveness. She is young, and that makes her approachable and allows her to stand out which could make her voice be heard. However, her inexperience could be a negative aspect towards her leadership. Overall though, I think having a younger member could make for a good contrast/combination.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


     Tim McDaniel remains County Commissioner. He managed to beat candidate Adam Marsh by over 950 votes. Philip Ferguson, who has been the interim sheriff since earlier this year, is now officially the sheriff. Ferguson won by over 1,000 votes and he hopes to restore faith in the sheriff's department of Barbour county. Danny Wagner was elected to the house of delegates for our district. Shelley Moore Capito defeated Tennant and became the first female Senator elected in West Virginia's history. She is also the first Republican elected to the Senate from West Virginia in 48 years, meaning the West Virginia State Senate will now be evenly split with 17 Democrats and 17 Republicans. Alex Mooney became the first Latino American from West Virginia to be elected to the House of Representatives.

     We have elections to determine new leaders. The voter turnout in West Virginia Tuesday was approximately 37 percent, which is the lowest recorded figure in state history. Voting is important because we cannot forget to take full advantage of our privilege to have a say in politics. This is how we determine the fate of our future.  


1- Brittany Maynard, as well as many others, argue that individuals should have the right to pass peacefully under their own circumstances when suffering from a terminal illness. She wished to be put out of her misery, and be surrounded by her friends and family in her last precious moments of life. She believed that she had a right to her body, and to choose its fate. Numerous people support this idea, while some simply do not.
2- Those who are against the idea of assisted suicide usually feel strongly  that suffering is not worthless, and our lives are not our own to take. They also think its an inhumane thing to do, and if it became a solution too many people would become comfortable with the idea. 
3- I believe that although there should be regulations, under certain circumstances a person should have the right to end their own suffering.

Friday, October 31, 2014



Alex Mooney is campaigning for office.  He wants to represent West Virginia’s second congressional district.  He is easily considered the most conservative of the serious contenders in the Republican primary.  Alex has endorsements from The Senate Conservatives Fund, The Tea Party Express, The Family Research Council PAC, and The Gun Owners of America. Mooney is also a strong supporter of the coal industry.  He wants to expand the ability to mine coal on lands with “dormant mineral interests.  Alex Mooney promises that, if elected, he will “stand up to the gun grabbers, the radical pro-abortion zealots, the tax hikers and out of control government agencies such as the EPA and IRS.” He claims that he is willing to stand up and fight, and to prove his determination he asks that you judge him on what he’s already accomplished rather than just what he says.

                Mooney says that he wants to look into opening more federal lands for oil and gas exploration.  He wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act, and Casey does not.  As West Virginia’s congressman, Alex promises to fight to protect our values and make sure West Virginia continues to be a wonderful place to live as well as raise a family.

                He believes that West Virginia can be a leading example in defending and promoting the values of hard work, faith, and freedom that have made our country great. Alex has a proven record of fighting for conservative beliefs. Alex says that he is ready to defend West Virginia from President Obama’s disgraceful policies. He also encourage job creation within the state.


Nick Casey is a democrat running for Congress. His experience as a negotiator has taught him how to work well with people, even if he disagrees with them. He is able to get business and labor. He has common sense and wants to ensure that West Virginia does not get pushed around.  Nick believes it’s time to bring our troops home. He also wants to build schools and roads in West Virginia counties that are in need, rather than devoting so much time and money to what is happening in Iraq and Afghanistan. He promises to responsibly in order to cut spending, to help our financial status. However, he does not want to stop the money providing for Social Security and Medicare recipients.  Nick will also fight for West Virginia’s industries including coal, natural gas, and farming. Casey is against increasing regulations in Washington. He’ll dedicate himself to helping create more valued jobs that provide good, supportable wages in West Virginia now and for future generations to come. Nick Casey needs to represent West Virginia is Congress. He is a passionate citizen of our state who hopes to improve conditions for all with his leadership.

Casey also has valued endorsements from The West Virginia Bankers’ Association,  International Brotherhood of Teamsters, National Electrical Contractors Association, and the West Virginia Deputy Sheriffs’ Association. The Charleston Gazette also claims that Nick offers the best hope to give West Virginia respected stature in Congress. This is something to be proud of and support full-heartedly.


Thursday, October 30, 2014


1- This article is trying to address the fact that West Virginia is becoming more of a Republican State. This could be a result of Obama's presidency.

2- I don't really feel like this article is quite accurate. Just because a republican might represent our state, does not mean the beliefs of the many democratic people in this state will change their perspective. This could be a bit of an exaggeration for now.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


1- Since I am supporting the idea of the death penalty, this serves as a perfect example of a crime so cruel and violent that the person deserves to face death. This man intentionally killed 3 people, for no reason.

2- I think the court made the right decision.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


I have seen many of these laws before. I cannot even express just how ridiculous it is that some of them were ever passed. I don't know what's crazier; the fact that someone once thought they would be beneficial to people or the fact that they have yet to be abolished. However, it is somewhat entertaining to read over and learn them.

Monday, October 27, 2014


1- They are seeking the death penalty in hopes of gaining some justice for what has happened.
2-  I understand their hope for giving this man the death penalty, because a lot of people were killed and that is something that cannot be undone or forgiven. However, I do not believe this man should be killed for his selfish/careless actions.
3- I think it should be allowed in some rare cases because when the crime that has been committed is that bad, sometimes the person is just more of a danger and disgrace to society. So under certain circumstances it would be acceptable punishment.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Presidential Report Card


Name of President: __John F KEnnedy____________________________

Number of Presidency:___35th _________________________

Years in Office: ____1661-1963______________________________

In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 

Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
He had an exceptional ability to handle crisis. For example, he talked with the nation during the Cuban Missile Crisis and after many long and difficult meetings, Kennedy decided to place a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba in order to prevent the Soviets from bringing in more military supplies.
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
Kennedy had a good understanding of how things work, due to the fact that he was already a member of the House of Representatives and Senate before he became president. This provided a good working relationship and foundation for him during his presidency. Without this, he may not have had the support in making the decisions that he did during his time as president.
Character and Integrity
JFK was skillful and showed integrity during the Cuban Missile Crisis. People were determined that he should respond to Soviet missile installations, but he refused to be pressured into hasty decisions that could result in something tragic. He showed his willingness to listen and seek out opposing opinions that might be better reactions. In doing this, he gained insight and made the best possible decision for our country.
Foreign Policy
Relates to the common man
Political Experience
Public speaking & Communication


Monday, October 13, 2014


1- No, this does not surprise me at all. Nothing is completely private and you cannot trust apps and things over the internet.

2- I don't think anything is really private because the messages or pictures are being sent somehow and, therefore, can probably be reached or seen by someone.


1- I think that this woman should be able to take her own life. It is her body and should be her choice. There is no reason that she shouldn't be able to make her own decisions about her life, as long as its not hurting anyone else's.

2- I don't believe euthanasia is necessarily suicide because if someone is already in pain and dying, they should be able to end their own misery.

3- I would feel like I was being kept from the rights to my own body.

Thursday, October 9, 2014


1- Other economies must be much more advanced if they can afford to make a burger that expensive.

2- I would eat the burger if it was given to me for free because I would want to understand how someone could invest that much money into something that they are just going to eat. I can't even imagine.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


1- I am not surprised by the fact that so many people are sexually harassed in their working environments. Many waitressing jobs often encourage women to dress more provocatively in order to gain more attention from customers.

2- I think this issue should be addressed because it is not fair or right for people to have to endure these circumstances in their workplace. It can be offensive and frightening to be sexually harassed, and yet numerous people experience this.

3- I believe that by making sure workers receive a higher pay, even as waitresses, it would help resolve this issue some. People are always going to be sexually harassed. It cannot be completely prevented, but it might helps if waitresses income did not have to depend on tips. Currently, some people are having to depend on the people who have sexually harassed them... in order to get their income through tips.

Monday, October 6, 2014


1- They try to get you to read and view things that you would not otherwise be interested in.

2- I feel, personally, that click-bait is very annoying and is something that should have been stopped a long time ago. Hopefully with the attention it is getting now it will become less of a problem.

Thursday, October 2, 2014


1- Many experts believe Ebola is not a huge worry in the United States because it is so much more difficult to spread compared to other sicknesses. It is only contagious through bodily fluids, mainly blood. We have advanced care and proper hygiene techniques to take care of sick people and their germs.

2- They believe we should worry more about diseases such as the norovirus, the measles, and influenza. This is because some of these sicknesses can be spread through the air and also the germs can linger for extended periods of time, causing new people to be infected even after the sick person leaves the room.

3- My own personal concerns would be that people without proper hygiene get infected and do not seek medical care, resulting in it spreading throughout the schools and workplaces.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


1- No, I do not believe the player should have been called with a penalty because as a United States citizen you have the right to express your religious freedoms. If he was praying, he was doing nothing wrong.

2- This issue deals with the 1st amendment, which involves freedom of speech; religion; press; petition; and assembly.

3- You could keep this situation from happening again by making sure players are aware that they need to be off the field and not currently in the game while praying.


1- I believe that this new law will change the way the court system handles cases involving rape accusations because up until now there was no specific standards to justify what is and is not considered rape. This is a good thing. Requiring both people to confirm that they want to have sex is the way consensual sex should be.

2- I think, overall, this will make handling rape cases easier because it insists that you should have consent before starting to have sex. People will not be able to claim that they were already too involved before the other person decided that they did not want to continue. It should raise awareness of what rape really is, and people might be more cautious when taking part in sexual encounters.

Monday, September 29, 2014



An administrator from the University of Alabama decided to take down a group of students' pro-life display before their reserved time had expired. Apparently she is very selective about what she allows to be hung around campus, and she felt that the students were lucky that it was allowed to be up for as long as it was. She is preventing students from being able to speak freely and openly about what they think is important. The students were offended by this incident that kept them from practicing the first amendment. The university apologized to all who were involved.




The Brown versus Board of Education court case was to determine whether or not race-based segregation was Constitutional. The schools were supposed to be separate but equal. Brown was one of many people during this time to be denied admission to a school strictly because of his race. Education is one of the most important responsibilities that the state and local government have to provide, and it cannot be denied to someone for unfair reasons. This was a direct violation of the 14th amendment.

5- If I had to personally choose one amendment only to live by, it would have to be freedom of speech. Freedom of speech allows you to defend yourself and stand up for what you believe in. I don't know what we would do without it. Some people might feel that the right to bear arms would be crucial to have in their life, but if it weren't for being able to express your beliefs verbally then what would violence solve? I cannot even imagine a life without being free to have your own opinions and beliefs of religion.

Sunday, September 28, 2014


In my opinion, this low statistic for people who have graduated college with at least a bachelor in West Virginia is providing proof that for some reason people are not necessarily being prepared for the idea of college. I think with the lack of education in the school system, people are losing interest in furthering there knowledge with more schooling. Maybe if people were more excited to learn they would have more ambition to do greater things. People are not making as much money as they could be, and that makes our state less wealthy.

I think the percentage is so low because this generation is being raised by so many people who did not go to college. The idea of working right out of high school is popular, especially among people who live on farms or have coal miners in their family.

One possible solution to this problem would be providing more scholarships and grants to students in West Virginia who are interested in going to college. I can't help but believe it would help some, considering some people feel that they can't afford college and it isn't an option for them.


Obama was trying to speak out against the extremists who are causing violence. He urged all countries and religions to reject the extremists ideologies that are a risk to global stability as a whole.

I think he was somewhat effective in what he was trying to do. He at least attempted to address the issue and persuade other countries to feel the same why by providing good reason and examples of how it is important. However, there is only so much he could do so I wouldn't expect major progress from this.


I do not agree with the policy at all. I feel that people should have some allowance to smoke, even in public areas. If it is legal to smoke, why should they ban it from happening in bars and outdoors? I completely agree with having respect for others and not exposing them to your smoke, but in a bar it is more of a choice. If someone has a problem with the smoke they can always leave. Also, I don't think there is any real reason to keep people from smoking electronic cigarettes indoors.

This is taking away some of the freedom that we have always had as people, and I think it could affect business because some people will have to leave the area to smoke. It will probably be a bother to people who own bars and things the most.

Friday, September 12, 2014


At this point not much really surprises me with our country and government because I am mentally prepared for the worst. Lots of bad things have happened, so its safe to expect that things could continue to happen. However, I am somewhat shocked that things like this are being monitored near West Virginia because usually we don't have a popular place is overall news. This makes me feel concerned. It is sometimes hard to trust the government and other officials to keep situations under control and protect us. I hope everything is being monitored and action takes place to prevent things from escalating.


To be honest, I am not really surprised at all by the desperation and urging attempts to get business in the restaurants lately. I think it will affect America, and already has to a certain extent. Restaurants are becoming selfish, and not only wanting their business to be a success but wanting to make insanely large amounts of money. They have done everything they can to decrease prices of food to tempt the public to buy their food. This is bad because it affects the health of Americans. I don't think the business' need for profit should trump the health of citizens. I feel that it is more of a want for more business, not a need. If I could eat at any restaurant for 7 weeks I would want it to be somewhere healthy, such as Subway or something. I care about my physical appearance and health, so I don't think food is worth the expense.


Fred Mayer was a World War II veteran who lives a quiet life in Charles Town, WV.  He was a spy during World War II, and was captured by the Germans.  Mayer and his family fled Germany and came to New York in 1938, just one year before Hitler invaded Poland.  When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, Mayer joined the U.S. Army, his knowledge of European language provided him a good rank.  Mayer infiltrated German barracks by posing as an injured German officer.  Mayer provided information about Hitler's bunk and when it was found, the information was accurate.  Mayer is unlike many veterans and doesn't hold a grudge against the Germans.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


1- I think this poses as a danger and concern to average citizens because we do not know who is responsible for the towers or what their intentions are. That should be something we make a point to find out.

2- I guess they could be located near military bases for a number of reasons. Maybe the military or government really is involved, or maybe they are near military bases just to make it seem less suspicious.

3- I don't know, but it definitely would not surprise me. With how they are already trying to gain more control and interfere with our right to privacy, this would not be a shock to me.


1- This will break the bond that binds Britain to India, which could cause war to break out in India.

2- I believe that Al-Qaeda is targeting India because they are vulnerable and also to draw attention to themselves.
3- I don't think the United States should get involved because I believe we have plenty of problems within our own country to deal with first.


1- Rick Perry was charged with one count of abuse of official capacity and one count of coercion of a public servant. He was basically accused of abusing his power, by threatening to use his veto to cut funding if he didn't get what he wanted.

2- I disagree with his reasoning. He needs to understand that he cannot try to control situations with threats, however I think his punishment might be a bit harsh.


To be honest I'm not really that surprised that something like this could happen, considering how much technology continues to advance. I think as this happens more and more privacy will be invaded.  I definitely do think we should worry about what we post and who can see it, just because you need to keep in mind that sometimes people who aren't intended to see your posts or messages could. In my opinion, the people who hack into accounts such as this should be prosecuted in the highest offense.


I feel that the person/people to blame are those responsible for letting fully automatic weapons to be fired here.  I don't think that a nine year old should be allowed on the range, and I definitely don't believe that automatic weapons should be anywhere near a child in general. I believe that if people should even be allowed around these type of weapons at all, it should be regulated carefully in order to ensure safety.


Summarization of the Articles of the Constitution:

1- Gives Congress its powers and limits, creates the two sections of Congress: the Senate and the House of Representatives.
2- Makes the executive branch of the government, which includes the president and executive officers.
3- Creates the judicial branch of government, which is the court system of the government.  This includes the Supreme Court and other lower courts made by Congress.
4- Talks about the states and what responsibilities and duties each state has, as well as the responsibility the federal government has to each State.  
5- States that the only way the Constitution can be changed is by adding an amendment.
6- States that any debts or engagements the country had before the Constitution are still valid.  Also states the Constitution is the highest law and that all officers and judges have to uphold the Constitution.  
7- This article states how many states need to ratify the Constitution


Recently students at North Carolina State University have created a nail polish that detects date rape drugs in drinks.  After stirring the drink, the nail polish will turn colors if a date rape drug is detected.  The students are trying to raise money to refine their prototype and to pay executives.  I honestly don't see any drawbacks, other than people may begin to experiment with other chemicals in order to make the product defective.


It seem that Obama has given the go-ahead for surveillance flights over Syria, which will provide us with potential targets if airstrikes against Islamic State militants are approved.  The U.S. military is coordinating with Iraq forces in carrying out airstrikes against militants.  The strikes are limited to protecting U.S. personnel and supporting humanitarian efforts.  Surveillance flights over Syria will give a better picture of the ability to have an airstrike, should the White House make the decision. Obama has yet to decide what steps to take in Syria.


     On Sunday morning, residents of Napa, California were awoken from a 3:20 a.m. earthquake.  The earthquake was a registered 6.0 magnitude.  At least 172 people were treated for injuries, only three being in critical condition.   City and county fire crews worked overtime to clean up the wreckage, and today the  local schools were closed.  The earthquake, occurring at a depth of less than seven miles, was felt as far north as Sacramento and as far south as Santa Cruz.  Power and gas lines were both broken, causing many people to be without power.

     The earthquake was caused by the fault lines underneath the Napa Valley.  The last time Napa saw an earthquake of this scale was in 1989.  Fault lines can stay dormant, like volcanoes, for a long time.

Friday, August 22, 2014


     Within the United States, we have numerous serious problems that should really be resolved. Some of these have existed for a long time, and others maybe developed more recently. I feel there is plenty that could be improved for the benefit of our country as a whole.
     Currently, the healthcare ideas that are being brought up are not the best. They are trying to provide ObamaCare to a lot of people, and it really isn't an efficient plan. If they want to offer a government assisted health care it should be modeled after somewhere like Canada, and it should remain optional because people should always have the right to choose their medical needs.
     Also, taxes are something that people often complain about. Should the rich have to pay more money than the lower-class, or is that unfair? I believe that it should be done on a percent scale because it wouldn't be fair to hold different classes to the same standard.
     In addition to that, our nation's debt is out of control. Someone needs to seriously be monitoring the amount of money spent by our country and what it is used on. There is too much funding for unnecessary things, and it is ridiculous that our government would put us in that situation.
     In conclusion, there are lots of things to think about and I know not everything can be resolved. However, I think as a whole our country could do better than the state we are in right now.


1- I think the ASL ice bucket challenge is a good thing because a lot of money has been raised as well as awareness for what it is.
2- I feel that it has been very effective overall. I mean obviously some people who are pouring water over their heads have not donated, but the amount of wealthy people that have donated has made it worth it. It would definitely be better if everyone donated, not just the people who don't accept the challenge. However, if everyone had to donate it might not have become as popular as it did.


1) This article is about the U.S. cooperate taxes and whether they are too high or unfairly utilized. Heather Bresh, the CEO of Mylan pharmaceuticals and the daughter of WV Senator Joe Manchin, recently took advantage of an international loop hole called inversion. Inversion is a tactic in which a company will invest or purchase a smaller foreign company to take advantage of the lower foreign cooperate tax rate compared to the typical U.S. cooperate tax rate.

2) The main general purpose of taxes is to raise money or generate revenue.

3) I feel that people who make a lot more money should have to pay more taxes, because they can afford to. It wouldn't really be fair to make everyone pay the same amount considering what would literally make one person broke would not affect a wealthier person's finances at all. If they have that much money they should want to support the country to a certain extent, as long as they aren't wasting and taking advantage of the money they take/


1)  I feel that one mistake was saying that they would release the name of the officer involved in shooting on Tuesday, but then decide not to. You can't tell a group of people one thing to settle them down, and then change your mind. It made the situation worse. Also, the city of Ferguson asked them to protest only during the daytime. You have the right to protest peacefully, without any time restrictions. The protests were already violent, but telling the ones that were being peaceful that they couldn't protest when they wanted just went against the rights of the people.

2)  Excessive force is when you use unnecessary violence or force just so things are easier. I do believe excessive force was used in the Brown shooting. I don't see where you would need to shoot someone six times, unless you wanted to make sure they were dead. The excessive force was probably just to avoid survival so that he could not testify.

3)  I think would bring in upper authorities and stop letting the Ferguson police handle the protests. There is obviously some major tension there. I would let the Ferguson police focus on things that they usually would. Also, I would just continue the investigation of the Brown shooting. I would also make a public announcement about how these violent protests are stopping young children from getting an education, because that is causing more of a problem.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dear Courtney (self),

     Within my high school year I hope to accomplish many goals that I have set forth for myself. For example, I would like to do well in my classes and graduate high school with a good GPA that allows me to go to a college of my choice. I need to apply for scholarships and stay involved in school and the extracurricular activities that we have here. As of now, I plan on being accepted into West Virginia University to study psychology, and in order to do that I should try my very best in the psychology class I am in this year. It is an opportunity to learn a lot and also prepare myself for what I could potentially spend my life doing. I want to learn as much as I can, so that the passion I have built up for psychology and helping others will grow tremendously.
     Next year, I see myself in a dorm at WVU finally being able to fulfill my dreams of studying what I love. I cannot wait to be there, as well as move on to the next chapter of my life. There are so many experiences I have yet to have and people that I will soon meet. I am quite excited for that. I am ready for any and all opportunities that college has to offer to me.
    Lastly, I hope my expectations between now and then don't change. I want to continue striving for greatness as I do now.
                                                                    Courtney Nuzum