Friday, August 22, 2014


     Within the United States, we have numerous serious problems that should really be resolved. Some of these have existed for a long time, and others maybe developed more recently. I feel there is plenty that could be improved for the benefit of our country as a whole.
     Currently, the healthcare ideas that are being brought up are not the best. They are trying to provide ObamaCare to a lot of people, and it really isn't an efficient plan. If they want to offer a government assisted health care it should be modeled after somewhere like Canada, and it should remain optional because people should always have the right to choose their medical needs.
     Also, taxes are something that people often complain about. Should the rich have to pay more money than the lower-class, or is that unfair? I believe that it should be done on a percent scale because it wouldn't be fair to hold different classes to the same standard.
     In addition to that, our nation's debt is out of control. Someone needs to seriously be monitoring the amount of money spent by our country and what it is used on. There is too much funding for unnecessary things, and it is ridiculous that our government would put us in that situation.
     In conclusion, there are lots of things to think about and I know not everything can be resolved. However, I think as a whole our country could do better than the state we are in right now.

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