Wednesday, April 8, 2015


These companies provide people with a good starting pay for an unprofessional job. I commend what they are doing because I think people should have a chance to make decent money, even when they don't attend college or further their education.


I agree with most of the options that they have narrowed it down to. I still feel that Eleanor Roosevelt should be put on the $20 bill. She remains the most influential woman to me, as well as many others.


I think this is a bizarre idea. I'm not really sure pets would enjoy or understand movies like humans do. They may be intelligent, but this is a little much.


I think this was a totally unexpected, tragic event. It stands as an example that we should evaluate our airline pilots more frequently. Since it was actually a psychological problem with the copilot then we should consider evaluating our pilots yearly or biyearly.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


I agree. I feel that Young has a definite case because she was treated unfairly. She was not given equal opportunity. Plenty of people had been offered the opportunity to work and only lift light weight. She is pregnant, so she should have been given the same chance.


I am not really surprised by West Virginia being in the lowest for average age of death. However, I had never actually heard this. This makes me feel underprivileged for living here. This states has an above average rate for smoking and drinking. It also doesn't have the best health care provided. I might just move one day.

Monday, March 23, 2015


I personally feel that as an individual you face decisions throughout your life that will potentially affect your health no matter what. There is no reason that the government should feel the need to limit something as simple as smoking a cigarette. People need to be responsible for their own health and well-being, especially when it comes to something as optional as a cigarette. If you choose to smoke, be aware of the consequences.