Wednesday, November 19, 2014


1- His job will become harder with the republicans in control of the senate.

2- He has plans to combat the effects of the economic recession during his sixth State of the State address in Charleston on Wednesday night.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


1- I think it is admirable that West Virginia has become the first to bring a young lawmaker into the system. Usually our state tends to follow, rather than being the first to make a bold move.

2- I feel that her age will both help and hinder her effectiveness. She is young, and that makes her approachable and allows her to stand out which could make her voice be heard. However, her inexperience could be a negative aspect towards her leadership. Overall though, I think having a younger member could make for a good contrast/combination.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


     Tim McDaniel remains County Commissioner. He managed to beat candidate Adam Marsh by over 950 votes. Philip Ferguson, who has been the interim sheriff since earlier this year, is now officially the sheriff. Ferguson won by over 1,000 votes and he hopes to restore faith in the sheriff's department of Barbour county. Danny Wagner was elected to the house of delegates for our district. Shelley Moore Capito defeated Tennant and became the first female Senator elected in West Virginia's history. She is also the first Republican elected to the Senate from West Virginia in 48 years, meaning the West Virginia State Senate will now be evenly split with 17 Democrats and 17 Republicans. Alex Mooney became the first Latino American from West Virginia to be elected to the House of Representatives.

     We have elections to determine new leaders. The voter turnout in West Virginia Tuesday was approximately 37 percent, which is the lowest recorded figure in state history. Voting is important because we cannot forget to take full advantage of our privilege to have a say in politics. This is how we determine the fate of our future.  


1- Brittany Maynard, as well as many others, argue that individuals should have the right to pass peacefully under their own circumstances when suffering from a terminal illness. She wished to be put out of her misery, and be surrounded by her friends and family in her last precious moments of life. She believed that she had a right to her body, and to choose its fate. Numerous people support this idea, while some simply do not.
2- Those who are against the idea of assisted suicide usually feel strongly  that suffering is not worthless, and our lives are not our own to take. They also think its an inhumane thing to do, and if it became a solution too many people would become comfortable with the idea. 
3- I believe that although there should be regulations, under certain circumstances a person should have the right to end their own suffering.