Friday, October 17, 2014


Presidential Report Card


Name of President: __John F KEnnedy____________________________

Number of Presidency:___35th _________________________

Years in Office: ____1661-1963______________________________

In the following ten categories, grade your president from an A to an F. (You may “acknowledge” border-line grades with a – or a +).  You will need to give a 50 word justification as to why your candidate scored as they did. 

Ability to handle and deal with a crisis
He had an exceptional ability to handle crisis. For example, he talked with the nation during the Cuban Missile Crisis and after many long and difficult meetings, Kennedy decided to place a naval blockade, or a ring of ships, around Cuba in order to prevent the Soviets from bringing in more military supplies.
Ability to work with Congress and Cabinet
Kennedy had a good understanding of how things work, due to the fact that he was already a member of the House of Representatives and Senate before he became president. This provided a good working relationship and foundation for him during his presidency. Without this, he may not have had the support in making the decisions that he did during his time as president.
Character and Integrity
JFK was skillful and showed integrity during the Cuban Missile Crisis. People were determined that he should respond to Soviet missile installations, but he refused to be pressured into hasty decisions that could result in something tragic. He showed his willingness to listen and seek out opposing opinions that might be better reactions. In doing this, he gained insight and made the best possible decision for our country.
Foreign Policy
Relates to the common man
Political Experience
Public speaking & Communication


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