Monday, September 29, 2014



An administrator from the University of Alabama decided to take down a group of students' pro-life display before their reserved time had expired. Apparently she is very selective about what she allows to be hung around campus, and she felt that the students were lucky that it was allowed to be up for as long as it was. She is preventing students from being able to speak freely and openly about what they think is important. The students were offended by this incident that kept them from practicing the first amendment. The university apologized to all who were involved.




The Brown versus Board of Education court case was to determine whether or not race-based segregation was Constitutional. The schools were supposed to be separate but equal. Brown was one of many people during this time to be denied admission to a school strictly because of his race. Education is one of the most important responsibilities that the state and local government have to provide, and it cannot be denied to someone for unfair reasons. This was a direct violation of the 14th amendment.

5- If I had to personally choose one amendment only to live by, it would have to be freedom of speech. Freedom of speech allows you to defend yourself and stand up for what you believe in. I don't know what we would do without it. Some people might feel that the right to bear arms would be crucial to have in their life, but if it weren't for being able to express your beliefs verbally then what would violence solve? I cannot even imagine a life without being free to have your own opinions and beliefs of religion.

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